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Development of the wood

The woods that enter the workshop as a whole log are patiently processed, shaped, given a soul and finally turned into an instrument for passionated  player.

New Making

        "Liuteria classica cremonese", which means classical Cremona violin making, is the name of the "school" in which I received training and use in my productions.
         Here, traditional construction is strictly followed. The elements that create this tradition, that is, the school; It starts with using the best quality woods.
        Our criterion for using woods that come from certain world-known regions with extraordinary genetic and acoustic properties. Thus, we ensure sound sterility in every sense.
        The remaining elements are produced in a completely faithful manner to the traditional construction. The construction stages are done entirely by hand, without the use of machinery.
        The models, molds and templates used belong to the masters who determined the present in the past, such as Antonio Stradivari, Giuseppe Guarneri, Nicolo Amati, Giuseppe Ornati, Paolo Maggini and Ruggeri family.
         This means  following tradition mathematically, formally and aesthetically. Because these forms were shaped over time and experience and determined by the masters. By following these strictly, it is beneficial not to alter too much, and thus we achieve a quality sound balance and create a perfect instrument that will always have artistic value.

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